quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2007

Pushkin - City of Russian Palaces

One of the most beautiful Russian cities, Pushkin is famous for the palaces and summer residences of the tsars, like Tsarkoe Seló, Peterhof and Pavlovsky. To the edges of the gulf of Finland, Pushkin is that there are only 20 km of Saint Petersburg and there are almost 600 km of Moscow and it received this name in honor of the russian poet Alexander Pushkin, who had been there polite in the century XIX. Besides the walks to the palaces pray mentioned, it is unlosable to be delighted by the legitimate russian stroggonoff!
Tsarkoe Seló: summer residence of the most popular Russian tsarina, Catharina, is a true work of art! To go through his immense halls and gardens takes time and it is what will be dedicated hours in the lines to taste a few minutes in each hall. The mosts beautiful of them, The Mirrors and the Amber Hall, also are the most in demand and they become still more difficult to be saw. Their first one became more spectacular than his inspiration (that has the same name and is in the Palace of Versalles in Paris) and it was a stage of great banquets and commemorations of the time. Already the Amber Hall was the richest thing: thoroughly nailed of amber and other precious stones for the walls and ceiling, which they were leaving with the only shade and an involving brilliance. During the 2nd War Munidal the palace had been completely looted and great part had been destroyed by a criminal fire dated from the same time. Passed more than half a century, just like era had been completely rebuilt, but a great deal of his works were lost along the years.
Peterhof: in my opinion, the most beautiful palace, due to grandeur of his construction and of his garden very well planned. Peter The Great, had been received by East magnificent present donated by his mother, Catharina, for he could enjoy it in the summer. His gardens were inspired in the gardens of Versalles, which also managed to surpass the beauty of the Parisian example. The vastness of the gardens demands a whole afternoon, which it seems to them to pass in some minutes, so great is the nostalgic beauty of the place. The top of the visit is the principal fountain, where to more than 50 statues leafed through the gold it seems to dance under the waters. Interesting to mention that more 150 fountains were built in such a way that the water is expelled only by the strength of the gravity, what not dispende no energy. That does so that the show lasts in the night and day during 8 months of the year, since in the rest the water is frozen due to the strong russian winter.
This technological, so innovatory process for the time, had never been interrupted and it remains in full functioning from it when created out, there are more than 200 years.
To see the pictures from Pushkin, click here.

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