sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

Liverpool - The dream isn't over

In 1207 Liverpool was only a village in the edges of Mersey river, lived by half a dozen of fishermen, and in 1912 it was famous because of having been the starting point of the travel without turn of the great ship Titanic. In the beginning of the 60 years it was little more than a grey and port city of England, without any charms and it became a symbol of the industrial British decadence.
Maybe there are someone in the world who has never heard in Liverpool, but there aren't no human being that has never heard in The Beatles! Due to the success of the quartet, the english city became an icon in 4 corners of the planet and became a compulsory itinerary of admirers of the rock n'roll, what insist in believing that the dream did not finish...
Where you walk in this city, everything remember to The Beatles, from plates of street (that they would be common at any place of the world, but here is The Penny Lane) up to beauty saloons (Tony Slavin), parks (Strawberry Fields), cemeteries (Eleonor Rigby), bars (Cavern Club), hospitals, houses, corners and museums... finally, everything! Every year happen the Beatle Week Festival, where hundreds of directions covers from the Beatles come to show up in the city and to apply for the title of the year. An example is the mining brazilian band Hocus Pocus, which finished the title off for 3 times consecutive!
Besides the Beatlhes'ways, Liverpool is whose itinerary also looks for other motivations. His most beautiful architecture made possible the title of Europpean City of Arquitecture 2008. Some interesting places that deserve a visit are: the most beautiful Cathedral Anglican, 5th biggest inthe world and owner of an enviable gothic ornamentation; the City Hall with his beautiful construction, Hall of St. George, the best building in greek style of the Great Britain, the Museum and Planetarium of Liverpool and the Gallery of Art Walker, with one of the most complete heaps of art of England. It still has the Tate Gallery of Liverpool, which has the best collections of art of the surroundings of London.
The pubs are the certain enterteinment for any hour of the day or of the night, 7 days a week! In his great majority they are underground, they have an excellent music and typical decoration, as the famous Cavern Club. The Mathew Street is the best option, but its necessary to be careful with the young persons because there is a law that prohibits the sale of alcoohol drinks after the midnight, so, they joined in groups and drink all that they can before the time extinguish and get crazy.... an abuse!
For whom it likes a good football, it is unlosable to watch the Liverpool's team playing, or even spend hours in the museums and official shops of the team. It is necessary to be provident also with the supporters, that, just like the Hoolligans, they are extremely badly polite and do not dispense a fight.
So this is Liverpool! A city that is always associated the history of the music and because of this, after London, is the english city where it's possible to hear more different languages. Dont miss to go there and do a Magical Mister Tour to the sound of a lot of Beatles and others of the time, like The Who, The Hollies and many other bands!
Too see the pictures from Liverpool, click here.

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